Date Certain – Publication Day for ‘Tried as Silver’

Date Certain – Publication Day for ‘Tried as Silver’

Date Certain—What does it mean? Is anything certain anymore in our supposed post-pandemic world? I’d like to think so, and in some instances, I’m sure we can make a decent case for it, but more than ever, I’ve concluded that the Scottish poet Robert Burns was right about the “best laid schemes of mice and… Continue Reading

It’s Not all About You—or is it?

It’s Not all About You—or is it?

“Our humanity is the one thing that we all have in common.”—Melinda Gates There’s been a joke going around in literary circles—for a very long time now—that Memoir is currently ‘in’, which is interesting because it’s been circulating for many decades. Not very ‘current’ by most standards. The point being that everyone wants to tell… Continue Reading